Monday, July 28, 2008

Social networks

Originally uploaded by Frank Hangler

I am unsure of the value of social network technology in relation to libraries and feel that other web 2.0 technology has alot more to offer. I see things like facebook and myspace as networks for friends and family. On a final note I have really enjoyed this course and have learn't alot. Web 2.0 does have great potential for libraries, especially blogs, wikis and podcasts.
Emma S

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sharing and collaboration: Google docs

Originally uploaded by ryancr

I think that this application would be really very useful for document creation in any organisation. In the library we could use it at any level, to collaborate on documents regarding procedure, policy, newsletters and many others. What a great way to pull together conference notes, or work on large projects such as Navigators and annual reports work. Plus when we work with other libraries everybody on a project can access everybody work and add or change things when needed. Plus I have had a quick look at Zoho, which seems to be more of a whole office or business online, with a wiki, chat, project managment software, a planner etc. This really would be great for anybody working from home or setting up a new business as they would not have to pay for expensive software to begin with. I just wonder what Microsoft think about all of this??
Take care
Emma S

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I was just looking at the great blog Wee Birdy and I found this amazing pic of Hope and Greenwood in London. It sells sweets and chocolates and it reminds me of a daydream I used to have when I was a little girl. How gorgeous is this shop.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Save the Girl Child

Save the Girl Child-00110jpg
Originally uploaded by Social Geographic

I just found this very important campaign while searching though Flicker. It is all about Saving the girl child.

Unite To End Violence Against Women!
Say No To Sex Selection and Female Foeticide!!
Say No To Female Genital Mutilation!!!
Say No To Dowry and Discrimination Against Women!!!!
Say Yes To Women’s Resistance, Education and Empowerment!!!!!


Amazon and Library catalogues

I just found this web site mashup. It is a mixture of Amazon and public libraries in the US. I think this is a great idea which could work very well with Australian Public Libraries and also the State Library catalogue. I can see it being used by book lovers everywhere and it is a natural progression of the extensive reviews and catalogue held by Amazon.


This is my attempt at a mashup. I am not all that sure of the application for the library. I will have to think about it for a bit longer.

Friday, June 13, 2008


urban isolation aka (i)Pod People
Originally uploaded by -liyen-

I love my Ipod, what a great invention. I listen to both music and podcasts from the ABC. The way that you can listen to infomative and interesting radio ad specialist podcasts from all over the world, when ever you like is very freeing. The library could make really good use of this technology, just like alot of other libraries have. Talks given by guest speakers could be recorded and published as podcasts. Staff could give short introductions to the library services but also information about exhibtions and how they relate to the libraries collections. I'm sure many staff members have interesting stories to tell about rare items and the aquistion of new unique purchases etc. Of course a podcast service would have to be promoted unless it might not be noticed on our website. But I think this technology has great potential.
Emma S

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Librarians the ultimate Search Engines

women librarians of "desk set"
Originally uploaded by library_mistress

I love the idea of librarians promoting their skills and knowledge this way but I am unsure of the usefulness of this from our library's point of view. I guess it is like Ask Now but done in a less formal manner. Also, it worries me if some people take the advice they are given on these answer boards to heart. How does Yahoo make sure that the answers are reliable and correct.
This technology could be used to allow the Ask Now service to be placed on our website and it then may become part of our Information request services. Just an idea
Emma S

Monday, May 26, 2008

Library Thing

library thing
Originally uploaded by checrusader

I have just added a few titles to Library Thing. This would be a great addition to our website for any unique and interesting new items. It would be fantastic for public libraries. We would have to see how they are for Aust content. But they do have links to our catalogue and various other Aust libraries. So, I guess it would be relatively easy to use on our website. On a personal note, it seems like a great way to get recommendations from other readers. But still this all takes time. Something I find I have little to spare.
Emma S

Social Bookmarking etc

Bucket List
Originally uploaded by er3465

Just have been looking around and I am not really sure about it. It does seem to be an interesting way to organise bookmarks, I do have so many. But I already have my bookmarks listed and filed in my own way and it would take alot of work redoing them all on But for libraries I think there is a possibility that this technology could be useful on internet link pages and also on a staff intranet, but there would have to be some viability testing on its necessity and usefulness.
Emma S

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I had a look at some library related videos in Youtube and Google video. I found the way they were used to promote different kind of libraries interesting. I especially liked the intro to the British library video. I can see applications for the State Libary both in promotion and also for use as training tools. Also for inclusion on our web site so clients can become familiar with the library before they come in.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

knowledge tree

knowledge tree
Originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal

I have added a some rss clips to my blog though Google reader. this was not the most straight forward of processes and it means that I will have to keep on reading and sharing artilces using reader. It is a good way to let people know what interests you and perhaps share something new and delightful.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Jerwood Library

Jerwood Library
Originally uploaded by . Andrew Dunn .

I have become abit addicted to adding photoes to my blog. There are some amazing pictures of libaries and this one in Cambridge is a fantastic additon to the architecture of the university city.

Have jumped ahead to RSS feeds

I have jumped ahead to RSS feeds. I have a little bit of experience with this technology, I have a My Yahoo page and use it every day. I found the Google reader just a easy to use and I added a few of my favorite blogs and feeds. You have to be careful about what you put onto your reader, I have not used it in 2 days and I had over 180 feeds. I can see the usefulness of this technology though and could be an interesting addition to a staff intranet or even on our website. It would be great if the library could use this technology so that other cultural institutions could see what we are doing, exhibitions and new and interesting acquisitions etc. I guess alot of WEB2.0 tech could be used by libraries it would just be a case of seeing what worked best you us as a library and a government organisation.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Catch up week

Cute cat alert!
Originally uploaded by swardraws

There were so many cute animal pics in the other blogs. I felt inspired and went searching for a pic that represents one of the qualities I think is needed by myself and our colleagues. A passion for knowledge and exploration. And what better way to illustrate this than this cheeky cat.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ashfield on Wikipedia

Saint Andrew's Cross Spider: top view
Originally uploaded by pj_in_oz

Just a quick note. I was really impressed by the entry regarding Ashfield on Wikipedia. I think if I wanted to edit it I would have to undertake some serious research.
This is a spider in Ashfield, which we have had an abundance of over the past few months.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Before Wikipedia : One of the First Encyclopedia of The World

Before Wikipedia : One of the First Encyclopedia of The World
Originally uploaded by LucKyL - WahoO

Have just been looking at the various wiki's. I am quite familiar with Wikipedia but not really individual wiki's. I can see that they would be really useful as an intranet application which allows all staff members to add their ideas, events and update policy etc. This would give staff a greater sense of being involved in the organisation and if it was used well then all parts of the library could know what other departments were doing etc. I also liked the idea of the Full library services wiki, as another way to see what is going on in the library world in one place.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Honesty bookshop on Flicker

Castle gate
Originally uploaded by rachel_holley

Here is an interesting photo from Flicker which I think illustrates the value of honesty and integrity quite well. It is a picture of a honesty bookshop. Here you are expected to pay a very small amount of money and put it in a honesty box before you take a book from one of the shelves. I wonder how many people use it with those values in mind and how many have to return when they are plagued with guilt.


Angel Dreams
Originally uploaded by Pink Sherbet Photography

I had searched Flicker before today and I am really amazed at the quality and diversity of photos there. The ones of the State Library where interesting in that they gave me a chance to see the library in a different light and to notice some of the details in the architecture. I can see this technology as another way to promote the libraries collections, obviously with pics and manuscripts in mind. There are so many pics I could post but here is one that I think is wonderful.

Let's Storm This... Bookshop...

Let's Storm This... Bookshop...
Originally uploaded by Dick Dangerous

just a test to see if I can get my pics to appear on my blog.
this is a different picture for my honesty pic. But the concept is the same.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Technorati and Tame the Web blog

Hi all,
Just finished using Technorati to search for blogs about library issues and discovered a great blog called Tame the Web. It focuses on libraries, people and technology and especially how libraries should and are using Web 2.0. Some great ideas. I especailly liked a article call the New World of Librarianship. Which stressed the need to use web 2.0 on the needs of both staff and users. How web 2.o and the implementation of these technologies is guided by how users access, consume and create content and how as library staff we should never stop dreaming about the best Library services. Which I thought was a great message to think about.
Take care

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My first post

I am really looking forward to diving into the world of Web 2.0. I see it as a chance to add to my knowledge base and gain skills in an area I think has great potential for the library and society as a whole. It would be fantastic if the library started using this technology to promote itself and our collections. On a personal note I always jump at the chance to learn new things. I have a passion for knowledge, "such a Gemini". Looking forward to the lessons. Take care.