Monday, May 26, 2008

Library Thing

library thing
Originally uploaded by checrusader

I have just added a few titles to Library Thing. This would be a great addition to our website for any unique and interesting new items. It would be fantastic for public libraries. We would have to see how they are for Aust content. But they do have links to our catalogue and various other Aust libraries. So, I guess it would be relatively easy to use on our website. On a personal note, it seems like a great way to get recommendations from other readers. But still this all takes time. Something I find I have little to spare.
Emma S

Social Bookmarking etc

Bucket List
Originally uploaded by er3465

Just have been looking around and I am not really sure about it. It does seem to be an interesting way to organise bookmarks, I do have so many. But I already have my bookmarks listed and filed in my own way and it would take alot of work redoing them all on But for libraries I think there is a possibility that this technology could be useful on internet link pages and also on a staff intranet, but there would have to be some viability testing on its necessity and usefulness.
Emma S

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I had a look at some library related videos in Youtube and Google video. I found the way they were used to promote different kind of libraries interesting. I especially liked the intro to the British library video. I can see applications for the State Libary both in promotion and also for use as training tools. Also for inclusion on our web site so clients can become familiar with the library before they come in.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

knowledge tree

knowledge tree
Originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal

I have added a some rss clips to my blog though Google reader. this was not the most straight forward of processes and it means that I will have to keep on reading and sharing artilces using reader. It is a good way to let people know what interests you and perhaps share something new and delightful.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Jerwood Library

Jerwood Library
Originally uploaded by . Andrew Dunn .

I have become abit addicted to adding photoes to my blog. There are some amazing pictures of libaries and this one in Cambridge is a fantastic additon to the architecture of the university city.

Have jumped ahead to RSS feeds

I have jumped ahead to RSS feeds. I have a little bit of experience with this technology, I have a My Yahoo page and use it every day. I found the Google reader just a easy to use and I added a few of my favorite blogs and feeds. You have to be careful about what you put onto your reader, I have not used it in 2 days and I had over 180 feeds. I can see the usefulness of this technology though and could be an interesting addition to a staff intranet or even on our website. It would be great if the library could use this technology so that other cultural institutions could see what we are doing, exhibitions and new and interesting acquisitions etc. I guess alot of WEB2.0 tech could be used by libraries it would just be a case of seeing what worked best you us as a library and a government organisation.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Catch up week

Cute cat alert!
Originally uploaded by swardraws

There were so many cute animal pics in the other blogs. I felt inspired and went searching for a pic that represents one of the qualities I think is needed by myself and our colleagues. A passion for knowledge and exploration. And what better way to illustrate this than this cheeky cat.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ashfield on Wikipedia

Saint Andrew's Cross Spider: top view
Originally uploaded by pj_in_oz

Just a quick note. I was really impressed by the entry regarding Ashfield on Wikipedia. I think if I wanted to edit it I would have to undertake some serious research.
This is a spider in Ashfield, which we have had an abundance of over the past few months.